Monday 31 December 2007

anothEr yEar fading away into the oblivion

So, whats in store for this post? hoping for anything big? u r at the wrong place pal. this is just the paroxysms of a vagabond who found that his great blog doesn't had an inputs after the month of July in the year of our Lord 2007.
let me think. what all things significant happened in my life this year? ah, bullocks... absolutely nothing worthwhile. that means i wasted another year. very true indeed, in the list of wasted years I think this will constitute number 23.
let me, for the sake of mentioning anything recollect something in this year (2007). the first thing that came into my mind was the celebration of the first year of my painful, good for nothing, mediocre existence-supporting-action (abbreviation for a job). ah, pride goes before a fall... thats what my mind/conscience told me when i wrote the previous line. so tell me my conscience, whats so exiting in my pathetic existence? philosophers will start with stuff like, if you eat one meal you are one among a billion, if you drink potable water, you are one in a million...SHIT. shut up. I'm trying to live here. what is the point in living if you are not making your mark? likewise as I asked before what is the point of simply existing?
these are questions that I'm asking myself all these days, to put it more in physical duration, for the past 2 year or so.
I'm unable to find the answer. perhaps i don't know what to do with my life. i still haven't found my passion. I'm waiting for it, I'm praying for it. like mr Gandhi, like sister Teresa, like ms Medha, like THEM, I'm waiting for that spark. i sincerely believe that will ignite me once. i strongly believe that my purpose in this world is not over. i still hope 2008 will give me a turn in my life. a turn that I'm still yearning. a path I'm still searching.

Once i'm ignited...
Till then let me live on this thin margin of existence,
Let me laugh at the world that is evolving around me,
Till then its all roses along the way,
The ordinary is so over whelming,
I'm not trying to jump over the well of mediocrity.
To embed myself in this dull life,
To stay away from my distant dreams,
Not wanting to go in quest,
Let me live in this oblivion.
Years go by, wasted as they are, yet,
When I'm ignited...
When I'm beaten up and shaped in the
Fire that my creator keep for me
I fear to think about them,
Me a vagabond, is a better option,
Still... When I'm ....

Friday 13 July 2007

b'days :-)

somewhere around the world population day (if u r wondering when is that; its near my b'day, after all i'm not writing about world population) i celebrated my b'day which was the 23rd since i saw light in this world. so wats the big deal now, when nothing happened for the last 22 times? as a matter of fact, for the first 13 ones i dint had a pc, for the next 5, i was not going thru the net (too costly) and for the remaining, i was simply not into blogging. but the real reason is that, this is the time in the written history of my life (the one written in my memory) i had the most number of wishes from my friend. hey, i dint tell i received wishes in thousands, but almost 30-40. (hahaha, i hear the sarcastic laughs). if u thought getting 30 wishes is a reason to celebrate then just imagine the number of people who has remembered my b'day!!!
the only people who have ever remembered my b'day is of course my parents. not both of them, but my mom. my father always mistakes my sis' b'day for mine. so technically i don't blame him. i even have my sisters b'day as mine in my driving license. i have been bought up not to attach any over significance to my b'day. after all once you are born into this world, every day is God's gift. regardless, i always insist myself to attend a Holy Mass on that day. if i'm spending that day at home, mom used to prepare some special dishes or delicacies of my choice. that was the only incentive.
now when i think about such an upbringing, i'm always thankful to my parents. after all being ur b'day doesn't often work to your advantage in all the situations. coz of all these bringing-up stuff, b'days at school was seldom celebrated with just a toffee distribution among friends. thankful for the free toffee friends used to wish me. once i entered college, i deliberately lied or hid myself from all the queries pertaining to my b'day. partially bcoz i had the crooked philosophy that my true friends will find my b'day without my help and partially bcoz, i dint had much friends at college (although initially).
the thing or the event that caused such a surge in the number of wishers was the rise of orkut. oh God, it is wonderful. how can u miss ur frnds b'day if u find him smiling on ur orkut home page expecting a lot of warm wishes on his day? and that was the reason i has such a number of hits on my b'day. but wishing u on ur b'day does not make someone ur best frnd overnight or forgetting to wish does not make them enemies. even my room mates forgot to give me a kick i was expecting even when my another room mate's b'day was just the previous day. i cannot blame them as i forgot to congratulate my b'day-room-mate.
it's just quite a complicated thing. remembering these days and years. even though i liked history i find memorizing dates ruf and tuf for my mind. same is the case with names. many a times, i have read that women are more susceptible to missing wishes. i wonder wat me and my gang will do IF we got ourselves a girlfriend or wife.
for that i'm thankful that i don't have one.
anyway, thanks a lot to google and that fella orkutten. let me now get back to my work as my b'day does not make a big difference in my paycheck...

N.B- B'days can have a big impact on your wallet. So it will be better if u cud go bankrupt by the time ur b'day comes around. for that have b'days sometime around month ends. if u r already born with month early b'day, take care for ur children, i.e, plan accordingly.

Monday 2 July 2007

calvin and hobbEs

Yeah, this is about the comic strip and neither about the French protestant theologian John Calvin who developed Calvinism nor about the English philosopher Thomas Hobbes. after all, speaking and writing about things that people neither understands nor gives a shit about is their work and not mine.
In fact when i chose to write about Calvin & Hobbes, there must be something special in it; oh, you guessed right dumbo, it is my favorite comic strip. in fact i believe that anybody who can read and who doesn't like C&H ought to be shot. i thank ma frnd besilin for introducing me to the wonderful world of c&h. he was not the one who first showed me one, but he made me understand its power and potential. as a matter of fact, now i have all the c&h cartoons ever published and i'm far ahead of ma frnd.

Numero Uno

So for those idiots who haven't heard or read abt c&h, it's a comic series published by Bill Watterson (never bother abt this guy, but give credits to him) abt a six year old kid Calvin and his stuffed tiger Hobbes. In fact Hobbes is not a stuffed tiger as such. acording to watterson, hobbes is just a metaphor for how different people have a different outlook for the world around them. for calvin (& me and besilin) hobbes is a real tiger who is his best pal and for his parents and others, hobbes is just a stuffed tiger.
OK, so whats so special abt this? B'COZ, i beleive calvin is the prototype for every young kid in his age group that we ourselves were some time ago. i will compare my childhood with Calvin personified 99% except with some cultural differences. Without that, kids around the world are the same (its the grown ups who create the fuss). Calvin hates school, teachers and homework,

Calvin's ideology on the educational system

procrastinates, has imaginary alter egos, hates vegetables and girls and is scared of ghosts and monsters. The hatred for girls is only a show-off as with every other young boy(he will kill me if he heard this). But Calvin is also highly intelligent in that he knows the political system (like impeaching his dad from the father position, speaking abt dictatorship, conducts voting on dad's popularity as father ...), asks doubts about relativity, knows styles of painting (and occasionally tries to bring out 'evanescence of life') is proficient in modern warfare systems (in fact he asks for a grenade launcher for x'mas) and is highly destructive (he is often called to school psychologists office for writing things which would now-a-days invite secret-service to ur doors).
His mom and dad are the typical middle-class parents that u find evryday. he admires his father very much (he almost always give stupid answers which seems very logical to calvin => "abstract thinkinbg") and mom seems to be the only person able to control him (its gr8 to see her flames-up in rage).

The great art connoisseur

He has a neighbor named Susie who is the root cause for the formation of the GROSS (Get Rid Of Slimy girlS) club. The only members of this club are, u guessed it, calvin and hobbes. Susie is the prime target of snow ball attacks during winter, but Susie pretty good at identifying calvin and gives him a strong lesson often. but as calvin's motto goes, never learn from anything because u lose the fun in doing so.
The difference with Calvin and such dumbos like Dennis the Menace is that, Calvin is a highly intelligent kid with a high level of logic. Dennis is a total asshole. Maybe if he was 2-3 yrs it wud hav been better.
If I'm to write all about c&h, then this will look like a thesis or such. If i wanted to do that, i wud have already done that and submitted it for my phd. in fact you can never appreciate c&h, if u haven't got that innocence u had in ur childhood. innocence doesn't mean being child-like. it is simply that quality that makes u laugh heartily at every c&h comic.
I really admire bill watterson for the great job he has done. unfortunately he stopped c&h after 10+ long years (1985-1995). I'm really sad at that. anyway as they says, its always better to stop singing when the sound is good. thanx a lot to watterson for giving us c&h; it helped me go back the lane in the memory of my childhood fantasies. even now whenever i feel bad i go thru some of the comics and try to regain myself.

don't take my word for it. try to read c&h. if u find it dull & boring, remember nothing can be done. innocence once lost is lost for ever.

"lose your childishness but never ur innocence."
( Thomas Freidrich Anderson)
N.B:- I don't know who the above fella is. but people will consider it only if it is by some great a%$-hole. So i made up that name.

I always wanted to ask that.

Monday 25 June 2007

an inconvEniEnt truth

last weekend passed away quite uneventfully for the world, but not for me; in that i saw the movie "An Inconvenient Truth' by 'Al Bore' (remember?, i'm trying to be funny). it was eventful in the sense that it strengthened my whole perspective abt global warming. i always knew that global warming was real (not like those pesky bast$#*s in suits and tux constituting the oil, coal, automobile and etc industries).
as a movie (read documentary, coz the word is lengthy), it was 80% well crafted and 20% al gore propaganda (but for those who want to blame, you can tell that knife is an evil invention coz it can be used to kill people). throughout the movie me and ma frnd ajay, was tossing and debating some of the points of Gore. i wud like 2 bring some of them (those that I remember) here.

1. The developing nations like China & India should immediately cut down on green house gases.
wat the fuk man! the Unc Sam and Co was and still is contributing significantly and u want us to stop (i'm frm India). after gr8 years of oppression we were just starting up and u tell us to stop. go to hell. it's not going to happen (actually i want it to happen, but ma govts and the people won't let it happen). so wat we wanna have is a universal policy on the matter. if we hav to cut down all others in the world shud cut down on the same scale.

2. The kind of cut down on CO2 can be universal.
not in a million years. each culture uses its own unique methods of producing gases. for the US it might be oil but for china it might be coal and for India, God only knows wat!!! recently i read an article in newspaper that in India, the energy from coal that is utilized when lighting an incandescent bulb was just 2.4%. But for florescent bulb it was 17% or nearby. there it is. u got it. This might not be a gr8 thing in the US where a hell lot of households are already using florescent lamps. also we have a tremendous transmission loss ( i believe above 20% or so) which is unheard in the US. so by decreasing the transmission loss and depending less on incandescent bulbs India can effectively reduce (i donnno how much) it CO2 output. But US need to look for other ways. Let them make fuel efficient cars like the Japs or drive electric and hydrogen-fuel cell cars (they are quite expensive for the average Indian but affordable for the americans). Similarly all the countries should develop such cheap means of transition to an eco-friendly way of life. Remember how we did away with CFC (it was bcoz the transition to alternative was cheap).

3. So what abt all the pollution that the developed world put on earth b4 the developing world caught up with?
The contribution by the Western world in the past decades cannot be ignored. The developing world was only following them when the condition became serious. So the moral responsibly of the developed world in reducing their output of green house gases cannot be taken lightly. The developed world is the one who can still guide the developing nations. like the insistence on bio-vegetables u can insist on bio-products in other sectors too.

4. Some measures relevant all over the World.
i read that in some cities in Europe, they have no-motor-vehicle days and toll on entering city limits. thats a good example to follow. in the heavily populated and polluted cities, we can have city centers were only public mass transit system is permitted. in less populated and smaller areas we can have no motor-vehicle areas. impose extra on private vehicles entering city limits, improve the mass transit systems, parks, trees and such, good roads etc. with stress on the Indian cities, if there are adequate and punctual mass transit facilities, I'm sure that the number of vehicles entering the city will definitely reduce. i don't know wat to do with the coal industry and the power generation sector. reducing the transmission loss and using efficient machinery at houses and industries will definitely make a difference.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle mantra is very effective. The Indians have been doing it for a very long time and the western world have been mocking it since. Ever remeber our mothers using jam, horlicks, complan bottles for storing spices and pickles and such? plastic bags used for growing plants... thats really impressive. think abt other similar acts by which we can contribute to a better earth. i scrapped my decision to buy a motor-bike (i'm gr8).



{ that was me taking a gasp at seeing the length of the stuff i've written. i havn't written like this in 4-6 years. Thnx to blogging and thnx to kootharali adivasi. Abt kootharali, later!!! }

Thursday 21 June 2007

intro and such sh*t

Hooowweee, i have a blog. gr8, so what the fuk? who cares? i don't care wat u think or wat others think. its just abt me. i will write wat i wanna write, when i wanna write and how i want it. i'm a troubled guy in search of meaning for this pathetic life of mine. yeah i mean pathetic, i.e i'm a software pro now, one in million in the freely available Bangalore city. the reason i reasoned i shud have a blog is that i needed to express wat i needed to express in one way or the another. so this is just one way. now a days i look back into life and think, just laugh at my thoughts and illussions (or disillusions) before a certain period of time. i think that this blog will serve the purpose of remembering these after some long time. oh watdfuk. where am i going?
So wat i intend to do is, i'ill write abt anything under the sun or maybe above it. that will purely be my opinion. and then???
wat u freako??? and then??? are u nuts??? i will write!!! that it... thats IT.
i beleive i'm a humorous pyscho. so all my blogs will be humorous as far as possible to me. (TAKE A MENTAL NOTE!!!) it will be after all silly. coz i'm just a kid (Billy the Kid).

he he he... enjoy maadi [:-)]
N.B:- Even now i don't know wat "maadi" in kannada means. my colleague used to wish me so (enjoy maadi) on every weekends.