Saturday 27 March 2010

India is a SupErpowEr! Huh? u mEan rEd Indians? Part-3

The third and last part of a myth-busting.

Finally the political power which is more of a soft power or rather a soft skill. I think it is developed more as a combination of the previous two powers. A nation with no military or economic power cannot exert any political influence; although strategically used it can deliver more than it promises. The power that Cuba exerts in the World or atleast amongst its neigbors is a wonderful example. Political power is the soft power which we exert through diplomatic and international decisions which can turn the tide in our favor. I don’t see when we have ever applied a well thought about political decision since the Nehruvian days. But even then political blunders committed by Nehru ensured that Kashmir will always be a sore point in all international matters pertaining to India and Pakistan. Also his Hindi-Cheeni bhai bhai rhetoric was no hindrance to the Chinese juggernaut in its path for attaining what the dragon wanted. When it loses its decision making powers to external influence we loose our political power too. We kindly bend down to any pressure point in international relations and deliver others what they want. We always fail to see what India as a nation wants in the long run. Politicians are ready to sell their nations for petty political interests. We shrug off our economic might just as an elephant does not understand its might. The e way in which we favored American companies in all agreements with them, by limiting their liability in case of nuclear accidents, the immunity with which Dow chemicals and its subsidiaries still continue to operate in India, a non-aligned nation like India providing support for a nation (that too almost a military base for them in Indian territory) that was altmost single handedly responsible for all major world conflicts after Second world war and the conversion of this country to almost that of a dominion of the United States; I wonder with who/what the allegiance of the political elite of India lays.

And as long as we remain so dumb and driven by short term political and vanity reasons we never stand to make it in this world as any kind of superpower. And we Indians sooner realize the fact the sooner will be out of this matrix of illusion.

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