Sunday 8 June 2008

clEaning up

"Procrastinate, don't put it up for later".
Yeah, I did just that over the weekend. This was one weekend where I got whole two days in hand after so many weekends of endless travels and escapades.

Just another boring weekend. Yeah really. I wanted to accomplish everything under the sun and perhaps somethings above it too. I'm quite unwilling to fill up my blog with junk. I've been tinkering around with ideas for my next blog. Thing's like state of education in India, the shoddy "software power" of India, US interventions around the world and so on the list goes on. After my dear buddy cum guide Ajay's resignation in pursuit of happiness (civil services gives him, his share of happiness), the weekends as well as weekdays are a matter of just pushing the hours. The only thing I voluntarily does tends to NULL on weekends (really, even food, call of the nature, washing, calling up old pals, going for a religious visit, even writing this blog have all become things done out of some sort of obligation).
To have some change to this mediocre, monotonous routine, I decided to clean up everything. As somebody always puts it, a healthy mind in a healthy body and a healthy body in a healthy atmosphere, I decided to clean up my life. Oh I'm not being philosophical. Just that I decided to clean up my room. First of all the debris in my room. I took up almost 2 hours. After that I felt it was worth it. Just then I remembered how important is my online avatar is and quickly decided to clean it up like remove unknown friends, communities in which I'm inactive or they are and such stuff. While I'm writing up this blog, I'm doing just that.

So let me getup and continue my cleaning. Dedicating today to clean up my life....

Thats all Folks...

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